Bright Futures Scholarship

By nurturing and supporting the next generation through post-secondary tuition grant assistance, Bright Futures is building a strong foundation for a stable economy. Understanding the importance of trade and academic skills, the Weld County Board of Commissioners launched the program in 2015 to financially assist students who pursue post-secondary education or training and certification programs from a Title IV accredited institution.

High school graduates and GED recipients in 2020 or later, who have been Weld County
residents for at least 2 years prior, with one being their senior year, may apply for a Bright
Futures account. Veterans have a unique set of eligibility rules; please contact our office for
complete details.

How to Apply:
1. Create your online account
2. Complete the online application within your account
3. Acknowledge that you have viewed the mandatory meeting materials
4. Complete 16 hours of community service in Weld County
5. Complete FAFSA
6. Tell us where you will be attending school

To learn more and apply today, click the VISIT button below.
