Life Lesson Scholarship Program

A college education is already a major financial challenge for most American families, but it becomes infinitely more difficult for a student when a parent dies, leaving little or no life insurance.
Life insurance is an important financial safety net that parents can leave their families. Unfortunately nearly 102 million Americans don’t have life insurance, and most with coverage have far less than recommended.
Recognizing the character and perseverance that so many young people show in the face of such adversity, Life Happens sponsors the annual Life Lessons Scholarship Program for college students and college-bound high school seniors. Qualified entrants who submit essays or videos about how the death of a parent impacted their lives are eligible for scholarship money. Over two and a half million dollars in college scholarships have been awarded over the years. We hope to award $250,000 in 2021 scholarships.

Between 17 – 24 years of age
Have experienced the death of a parent or legal guardian
Will be attending college, university or trade school in the US or Puerto Rico in the upcoming fall semester
Pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree
Legal resident of the United States or Puerto Rico

How to Apply:
Submit the online application, including an original 500 word essay OR 3 minute video discussing how the death of your parent or guardian affected your life financially and emotionally.

To learn more and apply today, click the VISIT button below.
