Black Faculty and Staff Umoja: Unity Scholarship

BFSU Mission: Black professionals seeking to improve, strengthen, and support our CCA community through creating collaborative environments that foster growth vital to our success.
BFSU Vision: We strive to improve, strengthen, and innovate CCA’s Black professional community.
Guiding principles for the UNITY scholarship:
• Umoja to strive for and to maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race.
• Umoja is a Kiswahili word meaning unity it is also one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.
• In UNITY we support, value, and embrace our students of color.
• Through mentorship, scholarship support, and Inclusive Excellence we collectively uplift our students of color and their successes.

Scholarship Criteria:
• While students who identify as Black are encouraged to apply, this scholarship is open to all students regardless of race or ethnicity. Preference will be given to students participating in CCA’s Black Student Association (BSA) or NAACP chapter.
• Have a GPA of 2.5 or above
• Have earned 18 college level credits
• Be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits

Scholarship Recipient Expectations:
• Engage with your BFSU mentors on a monthly basis
• Participate in at least 1 CCA event per term
