Our Opportunities

Welcome to the Scholarship Opportunities Homepage! The General Application for summer/fall semester scholarships is open March 4 through May 31st! (To receive priority for summer scholarships, please submit your application by May 1st.) The General Application for spring semester scholarships is open October 1st through November 30th! This application is open to everyone regardless of immigration status.
If you have any questions please email us at Scholarships.CCA@ccaurora.edu

Thank you for your interest in CCA Foundation Scholarships!

NEW CCA STUDENTS ONLY: Any student who has never taken a class at CCA or at any Colorado Community College School System (CCCS) in any form, including but not limited to: online, concurrent and/or ASCENT, follow the instructions below:

  • You must be admitted to CCA and have a CCCS student email address to apply for scholarships. Please visit https://ccaurora.edu/apply/ to begin the admissions process
  • Once you have your CCCS student email use the SIGN UP button to create your Award Management account
  • You can use whatever password you like, your username will be your CCCS email address

CONTINUING STUDENTS ONLY: Anyone who already has a CCCS student email address @student.cccs.edu, follow the instructions below:

  • If this is your first time applying for scholarships via Award Management, please use the SIGN UP button to create an account using your @student.cccs.edu email address
  • If you have applied for scholarships before use the SIGN IN button to access your scholarship profile
  • Use the “Forgot Password” feature to reset your password

If you have any questions please email us at Scholarships.CCA@ccaurora.edu

Please note: Some students will have additional opportunities under the “Recommended Opportunities” tab. Here you will see a list of additional scholarships. Click on the individual links to submit a separate application and any supplemental documents. If you don’t see any additional scholarships under “Recommended Opportunities”, you are already being considered for each of the CCA scholarship(s) for which you are eligible.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$1,100 Kate and Paul Tauer Scholarship
Kate and Paul Tauer Scholarship: Have a cumulative 2.5 GPA or...
$1.500 Kiwanis Club Aurora
Eligible applicants come from Aurora Public School, and are ideally COSI...
varies Marie Sanchez Memorial Scholarship
Marie Sanchez Memorial Scholarship Fund criteria: • Have a completed...
varies Mary LeGare Scholarship
Mary LeGare Scholarship criteria: 1. Have FAFSA on file with CCA and...
$1100 Mary N. Conover Memorial Scholarship
Mary N. Conover Memorial Scholarship 1. Have a minimum GPA of...
$1,000 NK Chang Founders Merit Scholarship
NK Chang Founders Merit Scholarship 1. Have FAFSA on file with CCA (if...
$2,400 Opportunity Knocks Scholarship
The Opportunity Knocks Scholarship will provide a need-based scholarship...
$1,100 PJ2M Foundation Scholarship
PJ2M Foundation Scholarship This award is available to graduating...
$1000 Simard Veterans Scholarship
Simard Veterans Scholarship 1. Have a cumulative 2.5 GPA or...
$1,100 The Medical Center of Aurora Pathways Scholarship
The Medical Center of Aurora Pathways Scholarship The scholarship will...
$1000 Waste Management Your Tomorrow
Waste Management Your Tomorrow Scholarship criteria: 1. Applicants must...